Learn how to read music
This website is created to help students learn how to read music better. It focuses on one aspect of music: pitch.
You can benefit from this site whether you play piano, guitar, bass, harmonica, or any keyboard, wind, string, brass, or percussion instrument. The information here is also helpful for students of music fundamentals or music theory. If you are a beginner, start with the Learn the Notes page. You can test yourself by playing the Pitch Name Games which have un-timed and timed versions to help you speed up your recognition of pitches.
Students of all levels can use the information in the Improve Your Skills section, which features many Pitch Performance Exercises that will help you read notes accurately and improve your sight-reading skills.
The information and exercises in this site use isolation techniques to focus on one aspect of music at a time. Learning to read music involves much more than identifying pitches, though. To learn about rhythm and improve your skills in that aspect of making music, visit www.Rhythm-In-Music.com.